In Line – Live improvisations with calligraphy by Birgitta Schwansee

For the book launch of Play Yourself the idea arose to combine the calligraphy of Birgitta Schwansee with live music. The paintbrush follows the music and the music follows the paintbrush in spontaneous composition and calligraphy that are born in the moment. Almost dancing, and in free improvisation.

The audience follows the creation of both the music and the images, which are projected on a big screen.

In Line was performed at the book launch of Play Yourself on 29 April 2018 with Hans Hasebos on marimba, and at the Amsterdam East Huiskamerfestival (‘Living Room Festival’) with Michel Duyves on clarinet and bass clarinet.

about Birgitta Schwansee

foto's op deze pagina Michel Duijves beh. 2e: Birgitta aan het werk foto Karl Schöberl.
Kalligrafie ontstaan tijdens het optreden voor het Huiskamerfestival op 6 oktober